Stable identifiers
Herbarium # W 1960-0011042
Collection # W
Stored under taxonname Astragalus suffalcatus Bunge   tropicos
Family Fabaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned D. Podlech (M) 2000
Ident. history K. H. Rechinger: Astragalus (Xiphidium) kandaharensis; D. Podlech (M) 2000: Astragalus suffalcatus (§ Dissitiflori)
Holotypus of Astragalus kandaharensis Širj. & Rech. f.
Biol. Skr. 9 (3): 161-162; fig. 191, 192 (1958-01-10)
Typified by: D. Podlech (M) 2008
Current Name: Astragalus suffalcatus Bunge
Collector Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Kerstan,G. 416 (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1935-05-01
Location Afghanistan
Label Afghanistan: Kandahar-Gebiet: Nördlich von Girischk am Hilmend-Fluß; Schlucht bei Germaub.
Habitat Konglomeratboden
Habitus Blüten gelb
Annotations Regio Florae Iranicae
W Photothek Nr. 2214
taxonomy & typification following Theasaurus Astragalorum I (April 2008, D. Podlech)

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