Stable identifiers
Herbarium # W 1907-0003078
Collection # W Krypto
Stored under taxonname Chaetomitrium macrohystrix Müll. Hal.   tropicos
Family Symphyodontaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned M. Suleiman (MANCH) 1998
Ident. history C. Müller: Chaetomitrium macro-hystrix; M. Suleiman (MANCH) 1998: Chaetomitrium spinosum
specimen originale of Chaetomitrium macrohystrix Müll. Hal.
Musc. Buitenzorg 4: 1064 (1923-02)
Typified by: K. Martinez (W) 2013-09
Current Name: Chaetomitrium spinosum E. B. Bartram
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Loria,L. Bryotheca (E. Levier) s.n. (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1893-07
Papua New Guinea / National Capital — 11.66667° / 92.75°
Label Nova Guinea austro-orient. Brit. in montosis Mo-roka, 1300 m. (distr. Moresby). ; Alt. 1300 m
Annotations sub n.°1618 Förster Herbar bryologicum.
[capsule contains insufficient material for scanning].

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